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PRF is concerned that improper waste disposal is now causing sewer blockage & overflow

PRF is concerned that improper waste disposal is now causing sewer blockage & overflow

The Pacific Recycling Foundation has been told by the Water Authority of Fiji that it has fixed the issue regarding sewage overflow in Kalabu Station that got discharged in a creek at Bykeitou Settlement in Nasinu, however, the PRF remains deeply concerned regarding improper waste disposal which seems to be the cause of the problem.

The PRF’s Founder, Mr. Amitesh Deo said they have been told the blockage has been cleared and WAF has also disinfected the area.

“We appreciate the quick response by WAF in dealing with a major environmental issue that the PRF brought to light last week,” said Mr. Deo

He said while the problem may be fixed for now, they are concerned the cause of the problem is directly connected to improper waste management, which is a major issue in this country but is given little to no attention by many.

Mr. Deo said according to the information from WAF, sewer pump stations get blocked due to litter being discarded into the sewer system. He said WAF has also told the PRF that it will invest in systems that will be able to notify them of blockages instantly, prior to it resulting in overflow.

“We cannot look at major environmental problems such as this in isolation and just blame authorities to fix their systems, as the causes are directly linked to our behaviour in terms of how we are disposing of our waste and waste management solutions available to the general public,” said Mr. Deo.

He said the PRF has been consistently raising awareness of the best practices of waste management and recycling through its tailor-made programs that are aimed at changing mindset and behaviour, however, more needs to be done and they will continue to pursue collaborations to intensify work in this space.

The discovery regarding sewage discharge in the creek was made by the PRF staff who visited Bykeitou settlement to discuss a possible waste management solution for the community as it currently does not have a proper system for waste disposal, and general waste is being dumped near the creek.

“The PRF will continue to lobby for environmental protection and hold individuals and organisations accountable to ensure our right to a clean, healthy, and safe environment is not violated, said Mr. Deo.

He said people can contact the Foundation directly if they come across environmental problems or if their voices have not been heard by authorities to fix issues concerning our environment.

The PRF’s Founder has also urged every Fijian to make issues concerning the environment a priority and take action to address them.