• admin@recyclingfoundation.org
  • +679 773 1051
Contact Info
Amitesh Deo
Founder and Director

Amitesh Deo has been in the recycling and waste management space for over 18 years.

He is also the Director and CEO of Waste Recyclers Fiji Pte Limited, Fiji’s only streamlined recycling company that deals with recyclables. Deo has been able to steer WRFL through political upheavals, natural disasters and very recent, COVID-19 pandemic that paralysed the global economy.

Deo is also a strong advocate of women’s rights and empowerment having worked at a large women and human rights organisation for more than 8 years.

Deo’s strong sense of environmental and social justice has led him to form Pacific Recycling Foundation (PRF). He has a Bachelors in Business Administration from Cambridge International College, London.

Email: amitesh@recyclingfoundation.org