• admin@recyclingfoundation.org
  • +679 773 1051
Contact Info
Dhanjay Deo
Campaigns and Activities Manager

Dhanjay Deo has a wealth of experience in media communications, public relations and marketing. He joined Pacific Recycling Foundation as the Communications Manager in September, 2022.

He has expertise in developing communications strategies that will ensure PRF is able to create awareness and bridge the information gap regarding waste management, particularly recycling.

Prior to joining PRF, Deo worked at Communications Fiji Limited as the News Editor/Sports Commentator and covered all major events from 2006 to 2022.  During this period, he produced news stories and carried out investigative journalism on issues relating to climate change, environment, poverty, politics, crime, unemployment, economy and sports.

He is also an alumni of Leadership Fiji.

Email: comms@recyclingfoundation.org